Hue 2753

Hue 2753

Hue # 2753
Color Code 0x0AC1
Official Name(s) Demonic Forces
Unofficial Name(s) none
Internal Name none

Dye Tub(s) none
Natural Dye none
Compassion Dye none
Treasures of Tokuno none
Cleanup Pigments none
Haochi`s Pigments none

UO-Item-7940-2753-1.png UO-Item-9002-2753-1.png UO-Item-4011-2753-1.png UO-Item-3839-2753-1.png UO-Item-9003-2753-1.png UO-Item-7939-2753-1.png

Example items hued using hue 2753.

Items hued with hue 2753

UO-Item-3627-2753.png A Bottle Of Bravo Ancient Wyvern
UO-Item-8752-2753.png A Mysterious Glowing Mushroom That Is Humming With Energy
UO-Item-5358-2753.png A Secret Animate Dead Scroll
UO-Item-41574-2753.png Atlas Of The Shadow Worlds
UO-Item-42148-2753.gif Eye Of Astaroth
UO-Item-42530-2753.png Halloween Spooky Ghost Figures (Hue 2753 Formosa)
UO-Item-42871-2753.png The Destroyer's Gem
UO-Item-9079-2753.png The Ice Lich's Early Attempts At Making Firewood
UO-Item-10245-2753.png The Magical Reeds Of The Mad Piper 
UO-Item-40275-2753.png The Society For The Protection Of Destardian Lizards Recruitment Poster
UO-Anim-39597-2753.png A Captured Spark Of St. John's Fire, Used To Light The Beltane Bonfire 
UO-Item-40014-2753.gif A Corrupted Encapsulated Colossus 
UO-Item-42366-2753.png A Daemonic Turkey Plush 
UO-Anim-6206-2753.png A Flask Containing Lisande's Vampiric Essence 
UO-Anim-6206-2753.png A Flask Containing Melisande's Vampiric Essence 
UO-Item-2577-2753.png A Light to Guide the Way 
UO-Anim-40123-2753.png A Mysterious Crystal From Ancient Wind 
UO-Item-41023-2753.png A Mysterious Crystal From Ancient Wind 
UO-Anim-13807-2753.png A Mythical Artifact From The Ancient City Of Wind 
UO-Item-13804-2753.png A Northern Shining Crystal 
UO-Item-41695-2753.png A Prophetic Painting Depicting A Darkening Sky Over Nujel'm 
UO-Item-10375-2753.png A Prophetic Painting Depicting Free Servants And Nujel'm Burning 
UO-Item-6477-2753.png A Small Buzzing Generator, Pulsating With Malicious Intentions 
UO-Item-13820-2753.png A Statue Sculpted In Your Likeness To Immortalize You As The Savior Who Restored The Shrines 
UO-Anim-10749-2753.png A Summer Camp Fire Pit 
UO-Item-3643-2753.png A Tome Written In The Language Of The Shadows 
UO-Anim-40147-2753.png A Void Source Filled With Sinisterly Spirits 
UO-Item-5901-2753.png Big Majik Flippers 
UO-Item-16918-2753.png Blackrock Firing Cannon 
UO-Anim-41339-2753.png Calibrated Sosarian Orrery 
UO-Anim-2581-2753.png Captured Flames Of Passion 
UO-Item-11009-2753.png Cursed Shield Of Bane Dupre 
UO-Anim-41719-2753.png EM Takako Anniversary Campfire Of Stories 8th Year! 
UO-Anim-39529-2753.png Explosive Fire That Torched The Lycaeum 
UO-Item-41822-2753.png Exquisite Helianthus Study Crafted Of Rubies And Gold 
UO-Item-17784-2753.png Figurehead Of HMS Seahorse 
UO-Item-8449-2753.png Globe-Trotting Piglet 
UO-Item-43454-2753.png Happy Plants 
UO-Item-42637-2753.png In Memory Of Julia 
UO-Item-10159-2753.png Knives Of The Cruel Twin 
UO-Item-18600-2753.png Lapis Pritas Salvaged From The Temple Of Singularity 
UO-Item-9410-2753.png Mid Autumn Festival Lantern 
UO-Item-9410-2753.png Mid Autumn Lantern 
UO-Item-7717-2753.png Old Books Written By Relvinian On The Summoning And Control of Daemons 
UO-Item-8449-2753.png Sacred Sacrificial Piggy 
UO-Item-6225-2753.png Solvaria's Unbalanced Scale 
UO-Item-7888-2753.gif Talisman Of Infernal Confinement 
UO-Anim-10749-2753.png The Charred And Smoldering Remains Of A Ritual 
UO-Item-40966-2753.png The Cursed Countess's Divination Table 
UO-Item-11538-2753.png The Fallen Paladin; For All Have Sinned And Come Short Of The Glory of God. 
UO-Item-42962-2753.png The Head Of Bara The Alchemist 
UO-Item-16831-2753.png The Last Of The Tyrkie Family! Patiently Waiting To Hatch! 
UO-Item-42534-2753.png The Witch's Errand Cat From Sakura 
UO-Item-4084-2753.png Tome Of The Forbidden Arts 
UO-Item-42531-2753.png Tree Spirits Kodama 
UO-Item-17077-2753.png Victims Of The Cruel Twin 
UO-Item-11535-2753.png Wizard Petrified By A Backfired Spell 
UO-Item-42533-2753.png Yukiko's Toy Spider 
UO-Anim-41719-2753.png Unrelenting Bonfire Infused With Blood Magic
UO-Item-39523-2753.gif Vestalis' Furace Holding Ignius' Fire