Publish Notes from 2017-04-14

Revision as of 13:14, 26 April 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs) (→‎Recent Changes)
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Publish # Publish 97 Update 5
Displayed version: {{{DisplayedAs}}}
Date released: 2017-04-14
Released to: {{{ReleasedTo}}}
Released as {{{Release}}}

Publish Notes from 2017-04-14

Final TC1 Release – 4/14/2017

Recent Changes

  • Resolved issue where the pet Parry magical ability would not correctly body-guarding owner when told to guard.
  • All pet damage is now reduced by 30% when targeting players.
  • Increased special move chances for Piercing, Bashing, Wrestling, Slashing, & Parrying magical abilities.
  • All pets 3 slots and above now require subjugation to tame.
  • Resolved issue where creatures such as the Rune Beetle would not have the correct slot when animal lored and then tamed.
  • Resolved issue where pets trained with AOE flagged incorrectly in guard zones.
  • Pet training of magical abilities now allows the removal of all existing magical abilities on a pet instead of just removing Magery. Known Issue - Warning message only mentions Magery.
  • Pet special move cost increased to match player cost or a minimum  of 15 mana.
  • Reduced pet special ability Conductive Blast duration from 10 to 4 seconds.
  • Removed pet special ability Flurry Force.
  • Pet Intelligence now affects some spell damage.

Previously Updated

  • Fixed issue where Crimson & Platinum Drakes could not be tamed in the Kotl City.
  • Adjusted resists on Crimson & Platinum Drakes.

Fixed Issues

  • Resolved issue where creatures such as the Rune Beetle would not have the correct slot when animal lored and then tamed.
  • The animal lore gump does not properly display the correct slot caps for creatures that cannot be trained.
  • Additional information needs to be provided for associated skill upgrade costs when adding abilities.
  • Dragon Wolves are not currently spawning.