Mantras and Words of Power

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Mantras and Words of Power

Words of Power were syllables of an ancient language, which bind and release etheric energy. Outside of the timeline of Ultima Online, additional words of power were added in Ultima V, each of which represent one of the original dungeons, and which were used to seal or unseal those dungeons. It is perhaps worth noting that Gargish is very close to the same language as that ancient language of Britannia.

A mantra is a word meant for meditation at a shrine, though those mantras have occasionally also found their way into spells. Mantras have their origins in an ancient language of Britannia, as well as from Gargish. (Note that the mantra 'bal' for the Chaos shrine did not exist in the single-player Ultima games, and was added to the list of mantras with Ultima Online.) Stygian Abyss added 3 new mantras, for Truth, Love, and Courage.

See this page for a list of spells using words of power and mantras which have been found in game.

Words of Power

Word Meaning
an Dispel or Negate
bet Small
corp Death
des Down or Lower
ex Freedom
flam Flame
grav Energy or Field
hur Wind
in Cause or Create or Make
jux Danger or Harm or Trap
kal Invoke or Summon
lor Light
mani Healing or Life
nox Poison
ort Magic
por Move or Movement
quas Illusion
rel Change
sanct Protect or Protection
tym Time
uus Raise or Up
vas Great
wis Know or Knowledge
xen Creature
ylem Matter
zu Sleep

Ultima V Words of Power

Note that Draconi officially stated that, for the world of Ultima Online, 'veramocor' is the mantra for 'Infinity'.

Word Meaning
avidus Sacrifice fallax Honesty ignavus Spirituality infama Honor inopia Valor malum Justice veramocor Doom vilis Compassion

Semi-Unofficial Words of Power

As mentioned above, Gargish is very similar to the ancient language of Britannia from which the words of power originated. This section documents words of power which haven't been officially defined within Ultima Online, but which have been used in game and which do exist in the Gargish language.

Word Meaning
nes Require or Must or Has to


Mantra Meaning
ahm Honesty amo Love bal Chaos beh Justice cah Sacrifice cor Courage lum Humility mu Compassion om Spirituality ra Valor summ Honor ver Truth

Gargish Mantras

Note that the mantras 'or', 'un', and 'us' originally came from 'The Lost Book of Mantras' in Ultima VI.

Mantra Meaning
unorus Singularity un Control us Diligence or Passion


Lost Mantras

'The Lost Book of Mantras' originated with Ultima VI, but it became a possible reward book with Stygian Abyss, courtesy of Draconi. 'Ahm', 'beh', 'cah', 'lum', 'mu', 'om', 'or', 'ra', 'summ', 'un', and 'us' have had their meanings 'rediscovered', but the rest remain unknown:

  • Bang
  • Bem
  • Biff
  • Cow
  • Dim
  • Frem
  • Kim
  • Kyo
  • Lis
  • Lox
  • Meow
  • Mho
  • Nid
  • Ohm
  • Ort
  • Pey
  • Pow
  • Rum
  • Spam
  • Sum
  • Tea
  • Yum
  • Zowie