A Decorative Plant (Graphic 3206 Hue 1435)

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A Decorative Plant

Rare Item
Type Prepatch Item
Dates May 15, 2002 – February 9,  2005
Shards Arirang
Great Lakes
Lake Austin
Lake Superior
Napa Valley
Siege Perilous
Currently Spawning No
Japanese localized name 観葉植物
Extended Information
Graphic 3206
Hue 1435
Height 0
Dyable unknown
Edible unknown
Stackable No
Turnable unknown
Wearable No
Wieldable No
Works as a container No
Works as a runebook No
Works as a spellbook No
Animated No
Double-click Effect unknown
Ethereal No
Sound unknown
Translucent No
Walk-over Effect unknown
Special Item Flags
Newbiefied unknown
Legal to Own Yes
Image of A Decorative Plant
1 stone
UO-Item-7715-0.png Other items with this same name are listed at A Decorative Plant.

Publish 15 Update 9 added the Gardening system as part of Scenario 4: Plague of Despair. The original generation of plants, when set to decorative mode, showed the name only as "A Decorative Plant". Publish 30 added the color of the plant to the name.

It takes nine days for a plant to reach a stage where it can be set to decorative. However, if fertile dirt were used right from the start, and the doubling bonus had kicked in every single day, that 9 day period could have been shortened to 5 days per generation.

Publish 15 Update 9 was published on April 25, 2002. Assuming the fastest possible growth in every generation, that would make the earliest possible dates:

  • Generation 1: April 30, 2002
  • Generation 2: May 5, 2002
  • Generation 3: May 10, 2002
  • Generation 4: May 15, 2002

The naturalist quest, after some bug fixes, launched with Publish 32.1 on May 17, 2005. It added the four additional colors: rare pink, rare magenta, rare aqua, and rare fire red. These could be considered "generation 5", with the earliest decorative plants coming, again with the use of fertile dirt and the best possible luck, 5 days later:

  • Generation 5: May 22, 2002

Finally for these originally named plants, the Samurai Empire expansion added Bonsai seed types: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Exceptional, and Exotic. The expansion went live on November 2, 2004. They originally came only in plain color, and could not be cross-bred. These could be considered "generation 6", with the earliest decorative plants coming, again with the use of fertile dirt and the best possible luck, 5 days later:

  • Generation 6: November 7, 2004

Publish 30 added the plant's color to the name, but still did not identify the type of plant. The type of plant was added to the name starting with publish 32.

Note: Fragrant and Peculiar seeds, as well as the bug that allowed colored bonsai plants, only arrived years after publish 32, so those plants do not exist with "A Decorative Plant" or "A Decorative {colorname} Plant" varieties.