Letter III - Mythran’s Warning

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Letter III - Mythran’s Warning

This is a book found in the small table # in the home of Mythran The Thaumaturgist during week 3 of the 20th anniversary events.


I am sending a book of my world’s history to you, along with this letter. If the pattern on your world is similar, the invasion will begin with whispers and promises of protection against a being known as the Destroyer. Worry will cause many to flock to this growing cult, who will build cairns for the elemental despots. These cairns will draw the Titans closer to your world. I hope you can stop them before they can build and empower a great obelisk to smash the threshold of your world. I do not know if any mortal power can stand against such beings.

I am traveling toward your world along a broken pathway created long ago. Using an Ethereal Travel spell of my own creation, I am making small hops across the lifeless void. The Dark Path gives me guideposts so that I can make my way without getting lost. It is difficult and dangerous work, so I have been returning to my home between legs of the voyage. My home is an extra-dimensional abode, sitting between Pagan and the Ethereal Void.

The gate magics you mentioned sound remarkably complicated, yet you speak of them quite casually. To complete passage to your world, it might help to know more of the esoterica related to your moongates.
