- 2000-07-03: わがままレディー クラウディア (translation: Selfish Lady Claudia)
- 2002-10-26: 光と影 (translation: Light and shadow)
- 2002-11-03: 勇気と希望 (translation: Courage and hope)
- 2002-11-22: 希望のかけら (translation: Fragment of hope)
- 2002-11-23: 理想の終焉、そして始まりへ (translation: End of ideal, to the beginning)
- 2007-06-05: -禅都お宿の物語- (translation: - The story of Zen Miyazaki -)
- 2007-06-16: -禅都お宿は大騒ぎ- (translation: - Zen Miyazaki Inn is a big fuss -)
- 2007-06-23: -禅都お宿の名裁き- (translation: - Nomination of Zen Miyajo -)
- 2010-11-06: 魔法使いの一日 (translation: Witch's day)
- 2010-11-24: お師匠を救え! (translation: Save your teacher!)
- 2010-11-27: お師匠、救出される。 (translation: Master, will be rescued.)
- 2011-01-19: 胸騒ぎ (translation: Unrest)
- 2011-01-22: 憤慨 (translation: Indignation)
- 2011-02-02: ひとつの仮説 (translation: One hypothesis)
- 2011-03-09: 黒い影 (translation: Black Shadow)
- 2011-03-24: 鍵 (translation: Key)
- 2011-04-07: マジンシアの風 (translation: Magincia's wind)
- 2011-04-09: マジンシアの桜 (translation: Cherry tree of Magincia)
- 2011-04-14: キヨの忘れ物 (translation: Kiyo's lost article)
- 2011-04-25: 忍びの願い (translation: Shinobu's wish)
- 2011-05-27: ニュジェルムビーチ改造計画 - 投票のお願い (translation: Negelum Beach remodeling plan - a request for voting)
- 2011-06-01: ニュジェルムビーチ改造計画 - 投票結果と更なるお願い (translation: Negelum Beach remodeling plan - the result of voting and further request)
- 2011-06-08: ニュジェルムビーチ改造計画 - 新たな問題 (translation: New Zealand Beach remodeling plan - new problem)
- 2011-06-15: ニュジェルムビーチ改造計画 - お礼の品、盗難にあう! (translation: Negerum Beach remodeling plan - items of thanks, get stolen!)
- 2011-06-22: ニュジェルムビーチ改造計画 - 理事挨拶のご案内 (translation: Negelum Beach remodeling plan - Information on director's greetings)
- 2011-07-05: 愛の対決 (translation: Showdown of Love)
- 2011-07-09: 語らう二人 (translation: Two people speaking)
- 2011-07-13: 対峙の予感 (translation: Premonition of confrontation)
- 2011-07-27: 大物への第一歩 (translation: The first step to a big game)
- 2011-08-17: 大物への第二歩 (translation: 2nd step to bigger things)
- 2011-08-31: 大物への第三歩 (translation: The third step to bigger things)
- 2011-09-14: 大物への第四歩 (translation: Fourth step to bigger things)
- 2011-09-17: 戦いの支度 (translation: Prepare for battle)
- 2011-09-21: 大物への第五歩 (translation: Fifth step to bigger things)
- 2011-10-27: ジャックとミラルダ (translation: Jack and Miralada)
- 2011-11-16: ニューマジンシアの紅葉 (translation: Autumn leaves of New Madzinia)
- 2011-11-19: 紅葉観賞日和 (translation: Autumn leaves viewing day)
- 2011-12-02: ホリデーの誤算 (translation: Holiday miscalculation)
- 2011-12-09: Happy Holiday その一の結果と、その二の発表 (translation: [Happy Holiday] The result of one and the second)
- 2011-12-16: Happy Holiday その二の結果と、その三の発表 (translation: [Happy Holiday] The result of the second and the third announcement)
- 2011-12-23: Happy Holiday 最終結果発表 (translation: [Happy Holiday] Final result announcement)
- 2012-02-28: 桃霞節の支度 (translation: Preparation of Momokaki)