Dark Staff: This Staff Is Solid To The Touch, Yet Moves And Flows Under Your Grasp. (blessed)

Dark Staff: This Staff Is Solid To The Touch, Yet Moves And Flows Under Your Grasp. (blessed)

Rare Item
Type Seer Item
Date  unknown
Shard Lake Superior
Quantity unknown
Currently Spawning No
Japanese localized name unknown
Extended Information
Graphic 3569
Hue 0
Height 1
Dyable unknown
Edible unknown
Stackable No
Turnable unknown
Wearable No
Wieldable Two-handed weapon
Works as a container No
Works as a runebook No
Works as a spellbook No
Animated No
Double-click Effect unknown
Ethereal No
Sound unknown
Translucent No
Walk-over Effect unknown
Special Item Flags
Newbiefied unknown
Legal to Own Yes
Image of Dark Staff: This Staff Is Solid To The Touch, Yet Moves And Flows Under Your Grasp. (blessed)
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 13  - 16
Weapon Speed 39  (old style)
Strength Requirement 35
Two-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Mace Fighting

Note: The properties for this item are incomplete.