Shard Thrasher

Image of Shard Thrasher
10 stones
Stamina Increase 8
Hit Physical Area 30%
Swing Speed Increase 35%
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 13  - 17
Weapon Speed 3.25 s
Strength Requirement 35
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Mace Fighting
Durability #  / #

Shard Thrasher

Craftable Item
Name Shard Thrasher
Category Bashing
Skill(s) Required 70 Blacksmithing
Can be exceptional No
Wearable Slot None
Wieldable Yes
Required Recipe Recipe Shard Thrasher Recipe
Tool Required Any of:
Stackable No
10 CorruptionCorruption
1 Eye Of The TravestyEye Of The Travesty
20 IngotsIngots
10 MuculentMuculent

When crafted or enhanced with special crafting materials, the following properties will be added:

  Dull Copper IngotsDull Copper Ingots Shadow Iron IngotsShadow Iron Ingots Copper IngotsCopper Ingots Bronze IngotsBronze Ingots Gold IngotsGold Ingots Agapite IngotsAgapite Ingots Verite IngotsVerite Ingots Valorite IngotsValorite Ingots
Physical Damage * * * * * * * *
Fire Damage       40%       10%
Cold Damage   20%       30%   20%
Poison Damage     10%       40% 10%
Energy Damage     20%     20% 20% 20%
Durability +100% +50%            
Lower Requirements +50%       +50%      
Luck         +40