Air Elemental
Air Elemental
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Classic client | Kingdom Reborn client |
Enhanced client |
Basic Stats | |
Alignment | Neutral (grey) |
Magic Level | unknown |
Poison Level | unknown |
Loyalty Points | unknown |
Fame | 4500 ᵇ |
Fame (Felucca) | ≈ 5850 ᵇ |
Karma | -4500 ᵇ |
Karma (Felucca) | ≈ -5850 ᵇ |
ᵇ +40% if paragon. |
Trivia | |
When was this mobile added to the game?First Seen? | 1997: Day One |
Is this mobile still spawning somewhere in the game?Spawning? | Yes |
Found Where? (old) | Burned Forest Central Ilshenar Desert Forests Kirin Passage Labyrinth Montor Desert Valor Jungle Wind |
Found Where? (new) | Anordkor Tereg Central Ilshenar Elemental Canyon Ki-rin Passage Nox Tereg Teper Tervasarb The Glacier |
Can this mobile be tamed?Tameable? | No |
Bodytype #(s) | 13 |
Hue #(s) | 1 |
Can this mobile be mounted?Mountable? | No |
Can you 'summon' this mobile in some way (other than from your stable)?Summonable? | No |
Can you polymorph into this body form in some wayPolymorphable? | No |
Is this mobile only seen while on a quest? If so, which quest?Quest only? | No |
Does a statue version of this mobile exist?Statue form? | No |
Loot | |
Gold | 175-225 gp |
Base Loot | 2 Low/Medium Level Scrolls |
Special Loot | [[Category:UO Mobs that drop Level 1 Treasure Map]][[UO:Level 1 Treasure Map|Level 1 Treasure Map]] |
Stealing | unknown |
Carving | ||||||||||||||||||||
Elf/Gargoyle | ||||||||||||||||||||
...w/Harvester's | ||||||||||||||||||||
Human | ||||||||||||||||||||
...w/Harvester's | ||||||||||||||||||||
Elf/Gargoyle | ||||||||||||||||||||
...w/Harvester's | ||||||||||||||||||||
Human | ||||||||||||||||||||
...w/Harvester's | ||||||||||||||||||||
Combat | |
Base Damage ᵉ | unknown |
Ranged Attack | none |
Slayer | Air elemental Elemental |
Anti-Slayer | Abyss |
Speed | fast |
Does this mobile auto-dispel summons?Auto-Dispel? | No |
Special Moves & Abilities | unknown |
ᵉ 5 points higher if paragon. |
Physical | Fire | Cold | Poison | Energy | |
Damage | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Resist (min) | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Resist (avg) | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Resist (max) | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
HP | Stamina | Mana | Strength | Dexterity | Intelligence | |
min | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
avg | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
max | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
paragon | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Hit Point Regeneration | Stamina Regeneration | Mana Regeneration | |
min | unknown | unknown | unknown |
avg | unknown | unknown | unknown |
max | unknown | unknown | unknown |
This type of mobile cannot be barded.
Tameable?: No
Pack Instincts: unknown
Anatomy | Detecting Hidden | Healing | Hiding | Magic Resist | Parrying | Poisoning | Tactics | Wrestling | |
min | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
avg | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
max | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Bushido | Chivalry | Discordance | Eval Int | Focus | Magery | Meditation | Mysticism | Necromancy | Ninjitsu | Spellweaving | Spirit Speak | |
min | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
avg | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
max | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> These incorporeal beings are the natural inhabitants of a formless world of elemental air. Betimes, they are summoned to the material world at the behest of mighty sorcerers. It is within their power to rend and buffet material creatures with the winds they call and command. Left to their own devices, they tend to seek refuge among the tallest mountains. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> | WRITE TEXT ABOUT HOW TO FIGHT THIS MOBILE HERE--> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> | WRITE TEXT ABOUT HOW TO TAME THIS MOBILE HERE--> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> | WRITE TEXT ABOUT BARDING THIS MOBILE HERE--> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> | RANDOM TRIVIA TEXT GOES HERE. --> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --> |magicLevel = Apprentice |damagePhysical = 20 |damageFire = 0 |damageCold = 40 |damagePoison = 0 |damageEnergy = 40 |baseDamage = 8-10 |min_resistPhysical = 35 |max_resistPhysical = 45 |min_resistFire = 15 |max_resistFire = 25 |min_resistCold = 10 |max_resistCold = 20 |min_resistPoison = 10 |max_resistPoison = 20 |min_resistEnergy = 25 |max_resistEnergy = 35 |min_hits = 76 |max_hits = 93 |min_stam = 166 |max_stam = 185 |min_mana = 101 |max_mana = 125 |min_str= 126 |max_str= 155 |min_dex= 166 |max_dex= 185 |min_int= 101 |max_int= 125 |bardingDifficulty = |controlslots = |min_anatomy = 0.0 |max_anatomy = 0.0 |min_eval = 60.1 |max_eval = 75.0 |min_healing = 0 |max_healing = 0 |min_magery = 60.1 |max_magery = 75.0 |min_resist = 60.1 |max_resist = 75.0 |min_med = 0.0 |max_med = 0.0 |min_poison = 0 |max_poison = 0 |min_tactics = 60.1 |max_tactics = 80.0 |min_wrestling = 60.1 |max_wrestling = 80.0 |packInstinct = none |eats_Crops = false |eats_Eggs = false |eats_Fish = false |eats_FruitVeg = false |eats_Grain = false |eats_Hay = false |eats_Leather = false |eats_Meat = false |eats_Metal = false |eats_Special = | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->