Secret Bookcase Of Ilshen The Forgotten Queen
Secret Bookcase Of Ilshen The Forgotten Queen
Rare Item | |
Type | EM Item |
Date | January 5, 2024 |
Season | 22 |
Shard | Balhae |
Quantity | Unknown |
Currently Spawning | No |
Japanese localized name | unknown |
Extended Information | |
Graphic | 2711 |
Hue | 2721 |
Height | 12 |
Dyable | No |
Edible | unknown |
Stackable | No |
Turnable | No |
Wearable | No |
Wieldable | No |
Works as a container | Yes |
Works as a runebook | No |
Works as a spellbook | No |
Effects | |
Animated | No |
Double-click Effect | Yes |
Ethereal | No |
Sound | Yes (id: ) |
Translucent | No |
Walk-over Effect | No |
Special Item Flags | |
Newbiefied | No |
Legal to Own | Yes |
1 stone 0/125 Items, 0/400 Stones |
When double clicked it you can hear what sounds like a minotaur groaning.
Does not function as a container, and you cannot place items inside. You can remove the books it spawns.
Spawns NPC books at server up, up to a total of 7 as long as there is less than 7 items in the root area of the bookshelf (I.E. Items in containers nested within the bookshelf only count as 1 item - the container itself.)