Daemon Bone Armor Suit

Daemon Bone Armor

Daemon Bone Armor was likely introduced by Publish 7, which went live on September 3, 2000. However, it may have actually been added as late as Publish 7 Update 5, the patch that added Khaldun (from October 3, 2000). Whichever patch added this armor, it was not mentioned in the patch notes. The first piece known to have dropped was a chestpiece received by Ten Bones and Lady Xelia Exagor, on October 13, 2000, from an Efreet outside of Fire Dungeon in Felucca on Chesapeake. On October 14, 2000, Melantus confirmed that Daemon Bone Armor was a new and legitimate item.

Parts for this set might be expected to be dropped by Bone Daemons, or to be crafted from Daemon Bone, but in fact this armor cannot be crafted, and is a rare drop from Efreets and Meer Mages. The drop rate has been estimated at 1% for the hand, arm, leg, and chest pieces, and 0.01% for the helm.

The original Daemon Bone Armor had fixed stats that were useable for its time.

Originally, pieces were only dropped by Efreets. With the introduction of Scenario 3: Blackthorn’s Damnation in January of 2002, Meer Mages also began rarely dropping pieces.

On February 5, 2003, Age of Shadows was released. With it came the new item properties system. All existing pieces of Daemon Bone Armor were changed to have the following properties for each piece:

  • Self Repair 1
  • Physical Resist 6%
  • Fire Resist 6%
  • Cold Resist 7%
  • Poison Resist 5%
  • Energy Resist 7%

Also with Age of Shadows, Meer Mages began dropping Daemon Bone Armor pieces which were coded improperly. Dubbed 'white Daemon Bone', these were plainly hued, with the names of the basic armor types (Bone Armor, Bone Gloves, etc.) and 'Daemon Bone Armor' listed as an item property instead. This was fixed five months later in Publish 19.

For Efreets after Age of Shadows, and for Meer Mages, after their drops were fixed by Publish 19, Daemon Bone Armor still looked the same, but the properties of post-Age of Shadows pieces were different. These pieces are still dropping today. They lack Self Repair, and have variable (and lower) resists compared with pre-Age of Shadows pieces.

Pre-Age of Shadows Suit

Full Armor Set Present:
Daemon Bone Armor (pre-Age of Shadows) Suit
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White Daemon Bone Suit

Full Armor Set Present:
Daemon Bone Armor (white) Suit
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Post-Age of Shadows Suit

Full Armor Set Present:
Physical Resist 35 to 45%
Fire Resist 15 to 25%
Cold Resist 20 to 30%
Poison Resist 10 to 20%
Energy Resist 20 to 30%
Daemon Bone Armor (post-Age of Shadows) Suit
Chest Slot # Daemon Bone Armor 08
Arms Slot # Daemon Bone Arms 10
Head Slot # Daemon Bone Helmet 02
Hands Slot # Daemon Bone Gloves 12
Pants Slot # Daemon Bone Leggings 15