Difference between revisions of "UO:Inscription"

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==Inscription Craftables==
==Inscription Craftables==
===Spell Scrolls===
{| class="wikitable crafteditems"
{| class="wikitable crafteditems"
! style="color:black;" data-sort="string"| Item
! style="color:black;" data-sort="string"| Item
Line 10: Line 10:
| category = UO Scrolls
| category = UO Scrolls&UO Inscription Craftable Item
| include= {InfoBox UOItem}:graphic:hue,{InfoBox UO Spell}:scribeskill
| includepage = {InfoBox UOItem}.dpl,{InfoBox UO Spell}.dpl.Inscription
| includepage = {InfoBox UOItem}.dpl,{InfoBox UO Spell}.dpl.Inscription
| mode = userformat
| mode = userformat
Line 27: Line 26:
| notcategory = UO Scrolls
| notcategory = UO Scrolls
| category = UO Inscription Craftable Item
| category = UO Inscription Craftable Item
| include= {InfoBox UOItem}:graphic:hue,{InfoBox_UO_Recipe}:Inscription
| includepage = {InfoBox UOItem}.dpl,{InfoBox UO Recipe}.dpl.Inscription
| includepage = {InfoBox UOItem}.dpl,{InfoBox UO Recipe}.dpl.Inscription
| mode = userformat
| mode = userformat

Latest revision as of 07:40, 2 January 2020


Inscription Craftables

Spell Scrolls

Item Skill Required Category
UO-Item-7989-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-8800-0.png 39.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-11684-0.png 17.8 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-8005-0.png 17.8 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8006-0.png 17.8 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8013-0.png 32.1 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-7997-0.png 3.5 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8801-0.png 19.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-11689-0.png 46.4 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-8029-0.png 60.7 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-11688-0.png 46.4 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-7982-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-8802-0.png 19.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-7983-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-7990-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-7991-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-8007-0.png 17.8 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8803-0.png 19.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8021-0.png 46.4 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8014-0.png 32.1 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-11683-0.png 3.5 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-8037-0.png 75 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-11681-0.png 0 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-8022-0.png 46.4 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8030-0.png 60.7 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8038-0.png 75 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8804-0.png 19.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8816-0.png 79.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8023-0.png 46.4 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-7984-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-8008-0.png 17.8 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-7998-0.png 3.5 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8031-0.png 60.7 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8032-0.png 60.7 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8009-0.png 17.8 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-11691-0.png 60.7 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-7992-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-7985-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-11679-0.png 0 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-8805-0.png 39.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8015-0.png 32.1 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8024-0.png 46.4 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8806-0.png 69.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8010-0.png 17.8 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-7986-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-7999-0.png 3.5 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8016-0.png 32.1 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-7993-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-8011-0.png 17.8 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8033-0.png 60.7 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8025-0.png 46.4 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8026-0.png 46.4 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8034-0.png 60.7 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-11687-0.png 32.1 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-8035-0.png 60.7 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8017-0.png 32.1 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8807-0.png 29.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-11678-0.png 0 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-11692-0.png 75 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-7987-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-8808-0.png 19.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8018-0.png 32.1 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8027-0.png 46.4 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8000-0.png 3.5 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8019-0.png 32.1 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8809-0.png 49.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8036-0.png 60.7 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-7995-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-11680-0.png 0 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-7981-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-8012-0.png 17.8 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-7994-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-8039-0.png 75 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8028-0.png 46.4 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-11693-0.png 75 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-11682-0.png 3.5 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-11690-0.png 60.7 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-11686-0.png 32.1 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-11685-0.png 17.8 Spells of Mysticism
UO-Item-8810-0.png 64.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-7996-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-8040-0.png 75 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8020-0.png 32.1 5th - 6th Circle
UO-Item-8041-0.png 75 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8042-0.png 75 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8811-0.png 29.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8043-0.png 75 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8044-0.png 75 7th - 8th Circle
UO-Item-8001-0.png 3.5 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8002-0.png 3.5 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8003-0.png 3.5 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-8812-0.png 98.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8813-0.png 79.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8004-0.png 3.5 3rd - 4th Circle
UO-Item-7988-0.png 0 1st - 2nd Circle
UO-Item-8814-0.png 59.6 Spells of Necromancy
UO-Item-8815-0.png 19.6 Spells of Necromancy

Other Items

Item Skill Required Category
UO-Item-3827-0.png 50.0 Other
UO-Item-17079-0.png 50.0 Other
UO-Item-17080-0.png 50.0 Other
UO-Item-8793-0.png 65.0 Other
UO-Item-12124-0.png 45.0 Other
UO-Item-8792-1910.png 95.0 Other
UO-Item-11677-0.png 50.0 Other
UO-Item-8787-0.png 50.0 Other
UO-Item-17087-0.png 90.0 Other
UO-Item-8901-0.png 45.0 Other
UO-Item-12119-0.png 45.0 Other
UO-Item-39958-0.png 45.0 Other
UO-Item-3834-1172.png 75.0 Other
UO-Item-5360-1641.png 75.0 Other
UO-Item-3834-0.png 50.0 Other
UO-Item-4031-1165.png 75.0 Other
