Difference between revisions of "UO:Reagent"

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In the real world, a reagent is something added to a system to cause a chemical reaction, or added to test if a reaction occurs.<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reagent Wikipedia]</ref>  In Ultima Online, a reagent operates in a similar manner.  They are used by [[UO:Schools of Magic|spellcasters]] to cast spells, by [[UO:Inscription|scribes]] to create spell scrolls, and by [[UO:Alchemy|alchemists]] to create potions.
In the real world, a reagent is something added to a system to cause a chemical reaction, or added to test if a reaction occurs.<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reagent Wikipedia]</ref>  In Ultima Online, a reagent operates in a similar manner.  They are used by [[UO:Schools of Magic|spellcasters]] to cast spells, by [[UO:Inscription|scribes]] to create spell scrolls, and by [[UO:Alchemy|alchemists]] to create potions.
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==NPC Vendors==
There are multiple types of reagents:
===Magic Reagents===
These reagents are used for [[UO:Magery]] and [[UO:Mysticism]] spells:
: {{UO_Image|image|Black Pearl}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Blood Moss}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Garlic}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Ginseng}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Mandrake Root}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Nightshade}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Spiders' Silk}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Sulfurous Ash}}
===Necromantic Reagents===
These reagents are used for [[UO:Necromancy]] spells:
: {{UO_Image|image|Batwing}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Daemon Blood}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Grave Dust}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Nox Crystal}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Pig Iron}}
===Pagan Reagents===
These reagents are used for [[UO:Mysticism]] spells:
: {{UO_Image|image|Bone}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Daemon Bone}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Dragon's Blood}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Fertile Dirt}}
===Peerless Reagents===
These reagents are used by crafters:
{| class="wikitable"
! style="color:black;" | Reagent
! style="color:black;" | Source
| {{UO_Image|image|Blight}} || all [[UO:Peerless]] (common)
| {{UO_Image|image|Captured Essence}} || [[UO:Shimmering Effusion]]
| {{UO_Image|image|Corruption}} || all [[UO:Peerless]] (common)
| {{UO_Image|image|Diseased Bark}} || [[UO:Lady Melisande]]
| {{UO_Image|image|Dread Horn Mane}} || [[UO:Dread Horn]]
| {{UO_Image|image|Eye Of The Travesty}} || [[UO:Travesty]]
| {{UO_Image|image|Grizzled Bones}} || [[UO:Monstrous Interred Grizzle]]
| {{UO_Image|image|Lard Of Paroxysmus}} || [[UO:Chief Paroxysmus]]
| {{UO_Image|image|Muculent}} || all [[UO:Peerless]] (common)
| {{UO_Image|image|Putrefaction}} || all [[UO:Peerless]] (common)
| {{UO_Image|image|Scourge}} || all [[UO:Peerless]] (uncommon)
| {{UO_Image|image|Taint}} || all [[UO:Peerless]] (uncommon)
===Reagents of Old===
These reagents come from old systems that never went live, though the reagents made their way into the game.  These were originally introduced into the Ultima series with [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan]] and [[UO:Ultima VII: The Serpent's Isle]], which has led to their commonly being referred to as Pagan reagents.  Most are no longer spawning.
<div style="padding-left: 5em;">
====Original Necromancy Reagents====
These reagents were originally from [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan]].  Note that these were intended for the original Necromancy skill in Ultima Online, and not the [[UO:Necromancy]] skill which was actually implemented.
: {{UO_Image|image|Blackmoor}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Bone}} - <small>Now used for [[UO:Mysticism]] spells</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|Dead Wood}} - <small>'Wood' in [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan|Pagan]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|Executioner's Cap}} - <small>'Executioner's Hood' in [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan|Pagan]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|Fertile Dirt}} - <small>'Dirt' in [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan|Pagan]], now used in [[UO:Gardening]] and for [[UO:Mysticism]] spells</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|Vial of Blood}} - <small>'Blood' in [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan|Pagan]].  Note that all 'Vial of Blood's had their name changed to [[UO:Daemon Blood]] when [[UO:Age of Shadows]] was released.</small>
====Serpent Isle Magic====
These reagents were originally from [[UO:Ultima VII: The Serpent's Isle]]:<ref>[http://wiki.ultimacodex.com/wiki/Serpent_Isle_Magic Serpent Isle Magic]</ref>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3964||Bloodspawn (Hue 0)|Bloodspawn}}  - <small>'Blood Spawn' in [[UO:Ultima VII: The Serpent's Isle|Serpent's Isle]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|Serpent's Scale}} - <small>'Serpent Scales' in [[UO:Ultima VII: The Serpent's Isle|Serpent's Isle]], originally a Thaumaturgy reagent in [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan|Pagan]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|Wyrm's Heart}} - <small>'Worm Heart' in [[UO:Ultima VII: The Serpent's Isle|Serpent's Isle]]</small>
====Sorcery Reagents====
These reagents were originally from [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan]].
: {{UO_Image|image|Brimstone}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Daemon Bone}} - <small>'Daemon Bones' in [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan|Pagan]], now used for [[UO:Mysticism]] spells</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|Obsidian}} - <small>Note that the Obsidian from the [[UO:20th_Anniversary_Event|20th Anniversary event]] had a different graphic.</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|Pig Iron}} - <small>Now used for [[UO:Necromancy]] spells</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3979||Pumice (Hue 0)|Pumice}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Volcanic Ash}} - <small>Note that all 'Volcanic Ash' had their name changed to [[UO:Grave Dust]] when [[UO:Age of Shadows]] was released.</small>
====Thaumaturgy Reagents====
These reagents were originally from [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan]].
: {{UO_Image|image|Batwing}} - <small>'Bat Wing' in [[UO:Ultima VIII: Pagan|Pagan]], now used for [[UO:Necromancy]] spells</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3970||Dragon's Blood (Graphic 3970)|Dragon's Blood}} - <small>[[UO:Mysticism]] uses a different version {{UO_Image|image|Dragon's Blood|no}} to distinguish it from this original reagent</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3975||Eye Of Newt (Hue 0)|Eye of Newt}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Serpent's Scale}}
===Other Rare Reagents===
<div style="padding-left: 5em;">
====Newbiefied Reagents====
In the past, new player equipment was 'newbiefieid' - i.e., it was blessed, though no 'blessed' tag was displayed.  This included new player reagents.  Note that stacking newbiefieid reagents with unblessed reagents will make a stack in which none are newbiefieid.
: {{UO_Image|image|Black Pearl|no}} [[UO:Black Pearl (newbiefied)|Black Pearl]]
: {{UO_Image|image|Blood Moss|no}} [[UO:Blood Moss (newbiefied)|Blood Moss]]
: {{UO_Image|image|Garlic|no}} [[UO:Garlic (newbiefied)|Garlic]]
: {{UO_Image|image|Ginseng|no}} [[UO:Ginseng (newbiefied)|Ginseng]]
: {{UO_Image|image|Mandrake Root|no}} [[UO:Mandrake Root (newbiefied)|Mandrake Root]]
: {{UO_Image|image|Nightshade|no}} [[UO:Nightshade (newbiefied)|Nightshade]]
: {{UO_Image|image|Spiders' Silk|no}} [[UO:Spiders' Silk (newbiefied)|Spiders' Silk]]
: {{UO_Image|image|Sulfurous Ash|no}} [[UO:Sulfurous Ash (newbiefied)|Sulfurous Ash]]
====Blessed Pagan Reagents====
These reagents were from the new Paladin quest, [[UO:Uzeraan's Turmoil]], which has been disabled since the release of [[UO:Age of Shadows]].
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3968||Daemon Bone (blessed)}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3969||Fertile Dirt (blessed)}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3965||Vial of Blood (blessed)}}
====Glacial Reagents====
These reagents were from an EM event on [[UO:Chesapeake]] in 2013.
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3962|1152|Black Pearl (Hue 1152)|Black Pearl}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3963|1151|Blood Moss (Hue 1151)|Blood Moss}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3974|1150|Mandrake Root (Hue 1150)|Mandrake Root}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3980|1153|Sulfurous Ash (Hue 1153)|Sulfurous Ash}}
====Rubble Reagents====
These were all created during the destruction of Magincia.  They all show the name 'Rubble'.
<div style="padding-left: 5em;">
=====Magery reagents=====
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-spacing: 9px;border-collapse: separate;"
! scope="row" |
! ''Blood Moss''
! ''Garlic''
! ''Ginseng''
! ''Mandrake Root''
! ''Nightshade''
! ''Spiders' Silk''
! scope="row" |
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3963}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3972}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3973}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3974}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3976}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3981}}
=====Necromancy reagents=====
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-spacing: 9px;border-collapse: separate;"
! scope="row" |
! ''Blackmoor''
! ''Bone''
! ''Daemon Bone''
! ''Grave Dust''
! ''Nox Crystal''
! ''Wyrm's Heart''
! scope="row" |
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3961}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3966}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3968}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3983}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3982}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3985}}
=====Sorcery reagents=====
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-spacing: 9px;border-collapse: separate;"
! scope="row" |
! ''Obsidian''
! ''Daemon Blood''
! scope="row" |
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3977}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3965}}
=====Thaumaturgy reagents=====
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-spacing:9px;border-collapse: separate;"
! scope="row" |
! ''Bat Wing''
! ''Dragon's Blood''
! scope="row" |
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3960}}
| style="text-align:center;" | {{RubbleItem|3970}}
====Golden Blood Moss====
This reagent was from a bug when Trammel was added.
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3963|149|Blood Moss (Hue 149)|Blood Moss}}
The reagent forms of [[UO:Blackrock]] came from various seer events.  These should not be confused with the unprocessed forms of [[UO:Blackrock]]: [[UO:A Small Piece of Blackrock|small pieces of Blackrock]], or other [[UO:A Piece of Blackrock|pieces of Blackrock]].
: {{UO_Image|image|#|7955|1107|Blackrock (hue 1107)|Blackrock}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|7955|1109|Blackrock (hue 1109)|Blackrock}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|7955|1109|Crystalline Blackrock|Crystalline Blackrock}}
====Server Birth Reagents====
When the shards first went live, certain [[UO:Server Birth Rares|server birth]] reagents could be found and taken.  These can still be found (but not taken) around the lands of [[UO:Sosaria]].
Different NPC types sell different reagents:
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6369||Garlic (Graphic 6369)|Garlic}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6370||Garlic (Graphic 6370)|Garlic}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6371||Garlic (Graphic 6371)|Garlic}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6372||Garlic (Graphic 6372)|Garlic}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6377||Ginseng (Graphic 6377)|Ginseng}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6378||Ginseng (Graphic 6378)|Ginseng}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6365||Mandrake Root (Graphic 6365)|Mandrake Root}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6366||Mandrake Root (Graphic 6366)|Mandrake Root}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6373||Nightshade (Graphic 6373)|Nightshade}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6374||Nightshade (Graphic 6374)|Nightshade}}
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6375||Nightshade (Graphic 6375)|Nightshade}} - <small>Note that this is visually indistinguishable from the spawning Nightshade, though it is a different graphic and item.</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|6376||Nightshade (Graphic 6376)|Nightshade}}
In the real world, a reagent is something added to a system to cause a chemical reaction, or added to test if a reaction occurs.<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reagent Wikipedia]</ref>  In Ultima Online, a reagent operates in a similar manner.  They are used by [[UO:Schools of Magic|spellcasters]] to cast spells, by [[UO:Inscription|scribes]] to create spell scrolls, and by [[UO:Alchemy|alchemists]] to create potions.
====Stacking Bug Reagents====
These were created through a bug that reset the name on stacked items back to the default name for that graphic.
Reagents can be looted from various mobiles, found on the ground, or purchased from NPCs.  By default, NPCs sell up to 20 of the reagents they carry, but if they sell out of a given reagent, the next time they refresh their inventory, the amount they have for sale will double.  This can be repeated until they reach a maximum of 999 for sale at a single time.
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3964|537|Bloodspawn (Hue 537)|Bloodspawn}} - <small>Created from [[UO:Cocoa Pulp]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3975|1174|Eye Of Newt (Hue 1174)|Eye of Newt}} - <small>Created from a [[UO:Lucky Coin]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3979|121|Pumice (Hue 121)|Pumice}} - <small>Created from a [[UO:Trammel Moonstone (Hue 121)|Moonstone]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3979|149|Pumice (Hue 149)|Pumice}} - <small>Created from a [[UO:Trammel Moonstone (Hue 149)|Moonstone]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3979|183|Pumice (Hue 183)|Pumice}} - <small>Created from a [[UO:Trammel Moonstone (Hue 183)|Moonstone]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3979|211|Pumice (Hue 211)|Pumice}} - <small>Created from a [[UO:Trammel Moonstone (Hue 211)|Moonstone]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3979|239|Pumice (Hue 239)|Pumice}} - <small>Created from a [[UO:Trammel Moonstone (Hue 239)|Moonstone]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3979|491|Pumice (Hue 491)|Pumice}} - <small>Created from a [[UO:Trammel Moonstone (Hue 491)|Moonstone]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3979|551|Pumice (Hue 551)|Pumice}} - <small>Created from a [[UO:Trammel Moonstone (Hue 551)|Moonstone]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3979|634|Pumice (Hue 634)|Pumice}} - <small>Created from a [[UO:Trammel Moonstone (Hue 634)|Moonstone]]</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|#|3979|2499|Pumice (Hue 2499)|Pumice}} - <small>Created from an [[UO:Ancient Moonstone]]</small>
Different NPC types sell different reagents:
====20th Anniversary Event Reagents====
These reagents were found in treasure chests during the [[UO:20th_Anniversary_Event|20th Anniversary event]], and used to cast [[UO:Thaumaturgy|Thaumaturgy]], [[UO:Pagan Necromancy|Pagan Necromancy]], [[UO:Sorcery|Sorcery]], and [[UO:Theurgy|Theurgy]] spells during that event.
In the real world, a reagent is something added to a system to cause a chemical reaction, or added to test if a reaction occurs.<ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reagent Wikipedia]</ref> In Ultima Online, a reagent operates in a similar manner.  They are used by [[UO:Schools of Magic|spellcasters]] to cast spells, by [[UO:Inscription|scribes]] to create spell scrolls, and by [[UO:Alchemy|alchemists]] to create potions.
: {{UO_Image|image|Black Candle}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Red Candle}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Blackmoor}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Executioner's Cap}}
: {{UO_Image|image|Pagan Obsidian}} - <small>Note that the Obsidian from the [[UO:20th_Anniversary_Event|20th Anniversary event]] had a different graphic from the original Pagan reagent.</small>
: {{UO_Image|image|Pumice}}
Reagents can be looted from various mobiles, found on the ground, or purchased from NPCs.  By default, NPCs sell up to 20 of the reagents they carry, but if they sell out of a given reagent, the next time they refresh their inventory, the amount they have for sale will double.  This can be repeated until they reach a maximum of 999 for sale at a single time.
==NPC Vendors==
Different NPC types sell different reagents:
Different NPC types sell different reagents:
{| border="1" class="wikitable" style="background-color:white!important;border-radius:6px;text-align:center;"
{| border="1" class="wikitable"!important;text-align:center;"
Line 37: Line 287:
| style="padding: 0 0.7em;" | [[UO:Necromancer NPC|Necromancer]]
| style="padding: 0 0.7em;" | [[UO:Necromancer NPC|Necromancer]]
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Batwing}}
Line 45: Line 295:
| style="transform:translate(0, 8px); | {{UO_Image|image|Batwing|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 8px); | {{UO_Image|image|Batwing|no}}
|{{UO_Image|image|Black Pearl}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Black Pearl}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 6px); | {{UO_Image|image|Black Pearl|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 6px); | {{UO_Image|image|Black Pearl|no}}
Line 53: Line 303:
| style="transform:translate(0, 6px); | {{UO_Image|image|Black Pearl|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 6px); | {{UO_Image|image|Black Pearl|no}}
|{{UO_Image|image|Blood Moss}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Blood Moss}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Blood Moss|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Blood Moss|no}}
Line 61: Line 311:
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Blood Moss|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Blood Moss|no}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Bone}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Bone|no}}
| style="transform:translate(-3px, 5px); | {{UO_Image|image|Bone|no}}
|{{UO_Image|image|Daemon Blood}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Daemon Blood}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Daemon Blood|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Daemon Blood|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Daemon Blood|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Daemon Blood|no}}
|{{UO_Image|image|Daemon Bone}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Daemon Bone}}
Line 86: Line 336:
|{{UO_Image|image|Dragon's Blood}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Dragon's Blood}}
Line 94: Line 344:
|{{UO_Image|image|Fertile Dirt}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Fertile Dirt}}
Line 102: Line 352:
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Garlic}}
| style="transform:translate(7px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Garlic|no}}
| style="transform:translate(7px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Garlic|no}}
| style="transform:translate(7px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Garlic|no}}
| style="transform:translate(7px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Garlic|no}}
Line 110: Line 360:
| style="transform:translate(7px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Garlic|no}}
| style="transform:translate(7px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Garlic|no}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Ginseng}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Ginseng|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Ginseng|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Ginseng|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Ginseng|no}}
Line 118: Line 368:
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Ginseng|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Ginseng|no}}
|{{UO_Image|image|Grave Dust}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Grave Dust}}
Line 126: Line 376:
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Grave Dust|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Grave Dust|no}}
|{{UO_Image|image|Mandrake Root}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Mandrake Root}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 5px); | {{UO_Image|image|Mandrake Root|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 5px); | {{UO_Image|image|Mandrake Root|no}}
Line 134: Line 384:
| style="transform:translate(0, 5px); | {{UO_Image|image|Mandrake Root|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 5px); | {{UO_Image|image|Mandrake Root|no}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Nightshade}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Nightshade|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Nightshade|no}}
Line 142: Line 392:
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Nightshade|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 7px); | {{UO_Image|image|Nightshade|no}}
|{{UO_Image|image|Nox Crystal}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Nox Crystal}}
Line 150: Line 400:
| style="transform:translate(4px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Nox Crystal|no}}
| style="transform:translate(4px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Nox Crystal|no}}
|{{UO_Image|image|Pig Iron}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Pig Iron}}
Line 158: Line 408:
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Pig Iron|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Pig Iron|no}}
|{{UO_Image|image|Spider's Silk}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Spiders' Silk}}
| style="transform:translate(4px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Spider's Silk|no}}
| style="transform:translate(4px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Spider's Silk|no}}
Line 166: Line 416:
| style="transform:translate(4px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Spider's Silk|no}}
| style="transform:translate(4px, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Spider's Silk|no}}
|{{UO_Image|image|Sulfurous Ash}}
| style="text-align: left;" | {{UO_Image|image|Sulfurous Ash}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Sulfurous Ash|no}}
| style="transform:translate(0, 9px); | {{UO_Image|image|Sulfurous Ash|no}}
Line 176: Line 426:
[[Category:UO Items]]
[[Category:UO Items]][[Category:UO Reagents]]

Latest revision as of 06:10, 3 May 2020


In the real world, a reagent is something added to a system to cause a chemical reaction, or added to test if a reaction occurs.[1] In Ultima Online, a reagent operates in a similar manner. They are used by spellcasters to cast spells, by scribes to create spell scrolls, and by alchemists to create potions.

Reagents can be looted from various mobiles, found on the ground, or purchased from NPCs. By default, NPCs sell up to 20 of the reagents they carry, but if they sell out of a given reagent, the next time they refresh their inventory, the amount they have for sale will double. This can be repeated until they reach a maximum of 999 for sale at a single time.

Reagents can also be deeded with Commodity Deeds by players in amounts up to 60,000 per deed, or bought and sold by players' Magincia Vendors.


There are multiple types of reagents:

Magic Reagents

These reagents are used for Magery and Mysticism spells:

Black PearlBlack Pearl
Blood MossBlood Moss
Mandrake RootMandrake Root
Spiders' SilkSpiders' Silk
Sulfurous AshSulfurous Ash

Necromantic Reagents

These reagents are used for Necromancy spells:

Daemon BloodDaemon Blood
Grave DustGrave Dust
Nox CrystalNox Crystal
Pig IronPig Iron

Pagan Reagents

These reagents are used for Mysticism spells:

Daemon BoneDaemon Bone
Dragon's BloodDragon's Blood
Fertile DirtFertile Dirt

Peerless Reagents

These reagents are used by crafters:

Reagent Source
BlightBlight all Peerless (common)
Captured EssenceCaptured Essence Shimmering Effusion
CorruptionCorruption all Peerless (common)
Diseased BarkDiseased Bark Lady Melisande
Dread Horn ManeDread Horn Mane Dread Horn
Eye Of The TravestyEye Of The Travesty Travesty
Grizzled BonesGrizzled Bones Monstrous Interred Grizzle
Lard Of ParoxysmusLard Of Paroxysmus Chief Paroxysmus
MuculentMuculent all Peerless (common)
PutrefactionPutrefaction all Peerless (common)
ScourgeScourge all Peerless (uncommon)
TaintTaint all Peerless (uncommon)

Reagents of Old

These reagents come from old systems that never went live, though the reagents made their way into the game. These were originally introduced into the Ultima series with Ultima VIII: Pagan and Ultima VII: The Serpent's Isle, which has led to their commonly being referred to as Pagan reagents. Most are no longer spawning.

Original Necromancy Reagents

These reagents were originally from Ultima VIII: Pagan. Note that these were intended for the original Necromancy skill in Ultima Online, and not the Necromancy skill which was actually implemented.

BoneBone - Now used for Mysticism spells
Dead WoodDead Wood - 'Wood' in Pagan
Executioner's CapExecutioner's Cap - 'Executioner's Hood' in Pagan
Fertile DirtFertile Dirt - 'Dirt' in Pagan, now used in Gardening and for Mysticism spells
Vial of BloodVial of Blood - 'Blood' in Pagan. Note that all 'Vial of Blood's had their name changed to Daemon Blood when Age of Shadows was released.

Serpent Isle Magic

These reagents were originally from Ultima VII: The Serpent's Isle:[2]

# Bloodspawn - 'Blood Spawn' in Serpent's Isle
Serpent's ScaleSerpent's Scale - 'Serpent Scales' in Serpent's Isle, originally a Thaumaturgy reagent in Pagan
Wyrm's HeartWyrm's Heart - 'Worm Heart' in Serpent's Isle

Sorcery Reagents

These reagents were originally from Ultima VIII: Pagan.

Daemon BoneDaemon Bone - 'Daemon Bones' in Pagan, now used for Mysticism spells
ObsidianObsidian - Note that the Obsidian from the 20th Anniversary event had a different graphic.
Pig IronPig Iron - Now used for Necromancy spells
# Pumice
Volcanic AshVolcanic Ash - Note that all 'Volcanic Ash' had their name changed to Grave Dust when Age of Shadows was released.

Thaumaturgy Reagents

These reagents were originally from Ultima VIII: Pagan.

BatwingBatwing - 'Bat Wing' in Pagan, now used for Necromancy spells
# Dragon's Blood - Mysticism uses a different version Dragon's Blood to distinguish it from this original reagent
# Eye of Newt
Serpent's ScaleSerpent's Scale

Other Rare Reagents

Newbiefied Reagents

In the past, new player equipment was 'newbiefieid' - i.e., it was blessed, though no 'blessed' tag was displayed. This included new player reagents. Note that stacking newbiefieid reagents with unblessed reagents will make a stack in which none are newbiefieid.

Black Pearl Black Pearl
Blood Moss Blood Moss
Garlic Garlic
Ginseng Ginseng
Mandrake Root Mandrake Root
Nightshade Nightshade
Spiders' Silk Spiders' Silk
Sulfurous Ash Sulfurous Ash

Blessed Pagan Reagents

These reagents were from the new Paladin quest, Uzeraan's Turmoil, which has been disabled since the release of Age of Shadows.

# Daemon Bone (blessed)
# Fertile Dirt (blessed)
# Vial of Blood (blessed)

Glacial Reagents

These reagents were from an EM event on Chesapeake in 2013.

# Black Pearl
# Blood Moss
# Mandrake Root
# Sulfurous Ash

Rubble Reagents

These were all created during the destruction of Magincia. They all show the name 'Rubble'.

Magery reagents
Blood Moss Garlic Ginseng Mandrake Root Nightshade Spiders' Silk
UO-Item-3963-0.png UO-Item-3972-0.png UO-Item-3973-0.png UO-Item-3974-0.png UO-Item-3976-0.png UO-Item-3981-0.png
Necromancy reagents
Blackmoor Bone Daemon Bone Grave Dust Nox Crystal Wyrm's Heart
UO-Item-3961-0.png UO-Item-3966-0.png UO-Item-3968-0.png UO-Item-3983-0.png UO-Item-3982-0.png UO-Item-3985-0.png
Sorcery reagents
Obsidian Daemon Blood
UO-Item-3977-0.png UO-Item-3965-0.png
Thaumaturgy reagents
Bat Wing Dragon's Blood
UO-Item-3960-0.png UO-Item-3970-0.png

Golden Blood Moss

This reagent was from a bug when Trammel was added.

# Blood Moss


The reagent forms of Blackrock came from various seer events. These should not be confused with the unprocessed forms of Blackrock: small pieces of Blackrock, or other pieces of Blackrock.

# Blackrock
# Blackrock
# Crystalline Blackrock

Server Birth Reagents

When the shards first went live, certain server birth reagents could be found and taken. These can still be found (but not taken) around the lands of Sosaria.

# Garlic
# Garlic
# Garlic
# Garlic
# Ginseng
# Ginseng
# Mandrake Root
# Mandrake Root
# Nightshade
# Nightshade
# Nightshade - Note that this is visually indistinguishable from the spawning Nightshade, though it is a different graphic and item.
# Nightshade

Stacking Bug Reagents

These were created through a bug that reset the name on stacked items back to the default name for that graphic.

# Bloodspawn - Created from Cocoa Pulp
# Eye of Newt - Created from a Lucky Coin
# Pumice - Created from a Moonstone
# Pumice - Created from a Moonstone
# Pumice - Created from a Moonstone
# Pumice - Created from a Moonstone
# Pumice - Created from a Moonstone
# Pumice - Created from a Moonstone
# Pumice - Created from a Moonstone
# Pumice - Created from a Moonstone
# Pumice - Created from an Ancient Moonstone

20th Anniversary Event Reagents

These reagents were found in treasure chests during the 20th Anniversary event, and used to cast Thaumaturgy, Pagan Necromancy, Sorcery, and Theurgy spells during that event.

Black Candle Black Candle
Red Candle Red Candle
Executioner's CapExecutioner's Cap
Pagan Obsidian Obsidian - Note that the Obsidian from the 20th Anniversary event had a different graphic from the original Pagan reagent.

NPC Vendors

Different NPC types sell different reagents:

Alchemist Healer Mage (Human) Mage (Gargoyle) Mystic Necromancer
BatwingBatwing Batwing Batwing
Black PearlBlack Pearl Black Pearl Black Pearl Black Pearl Black Pearl Black Pearl
Blood MossBlood Moss Blood Moss Blood Moss Blood Moss Blood Moss Blood Moss
BoneBone Bone
Daemon BloodDaemon Blood Daemon Blood Daemon Blood
Daemon BoneDaemon Bone
Dragon's BloodDragon's Blood
Fertile DirtFertile Dirt Fertile Dirt
GarlicGarlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic Garlic
GinsengGinseng Ginseng Ginseng Ginseng Ginseng Ginseng Ginseng
Grave DustGrave Dust Grave Dust Grave Dust
Mandrake RootMandrake Root Mandrake Root Mandrake Root Mandrake Root Mandrake Root Mandrake Root
NightshadeNightshade Nightshade Nightshade Nightshade Nightshade Nightshade
Nox CrystalNox Crystal Nox Crystal Nox Crystal
Pig IronPig Iron Pig Iron Pig Iron
Spiders' SilkSpiders' Silk Spider's Silk Spider's Silk Spider's Silk Spider's Silk Spider's Silk
Sulfurous AshSulfurous Ash Sulfurous Ash Sulfurous Ash Sulfurous Ash Sulfurous Ash Sulfurous Ash
