Atlas/Ilshenar/Dungeons/Sorcerer's Dungeon
Sorcerer's Dungeon
It is hard to believe that these foul dungeons are connected to the beautiful Terort Skitas on the mountain above, but they are connected nonetheless.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
This first level seems to once have served as the home of the servants or maybe new students for the temple. It has both a kitchen, sleeping barracks and even class rooms.

The second level of the Sorcerer Dungeon under the temple of Terort Skitas looks like it was used by the more advanced inhabitants of the temple. It houses a number of laboratories, a large library, some workshops and lecture and gathering halls. Now instead of the hunger for knowledge there used to be in these halls, all the current inhabitants hunger for is human flesh.

As the deepest level of the Sorcerer Dungeon, the third is of course the most horrible one. At one point the roof has collapsed and divided the level in two parts, but luckily there are two entrances to the level, one that leads to each part. This level houses one of the greatest horrors in the entire Ilshenar. As if the Balron upstairs wasn't enough, down here is another, and another. Yes that's right not one, but two Balrons inhabit this level. Those who know the dungeon well refer to them only as The Twins.

This small room in Sorcerer Dungeon is perhaps the best kept secret in the entire Ilshenar. There are no apparent entrances to it. The entrance isn't something you walk into, but rather something you touch. In the library on Level 2, one can find two strange magic crystals on a table; touching one of them will result in being teleported into this small room. To get out one needs only touch another crystal. The previous use for this well hidden room seems apparent, what better use for a room with no entrance or exit, than a prison.

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